
Holiday: Journal of Snow

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cadefoster's avatar

Literature Text

Ezria finished changing out of the wet clothes and drying off the best she could. Now she couldn't wait to petition for a fireplace that didn't require her to mingle with the rabble. Well if anything the discomfort was good enough to add to social interactions with these people. Popping her arms and fingers she picked up her leather bound journal labeled "Social Abnormalities". Picking up the quill she dipped it in the black ink and started to write.

No matter where I seem to be stationed or travel to, the social effect that frozen ice crystals has on the general populace, including the military populace seems to be quite linear. Suffice to say, I was caught in another one of these spectacles and in front of superior officers no less. I have no one else to blame in this matter. The subject Lukas was engaging in projectile training with others...

She looked up from her book feeling a little embarrassed that she hadn't taken the time to learn anyone's name outside of her current study. No matter I suppose, eventually all will be tested.

"others for whom bare no unique name as of the moment. It is something I have seen young children play in my travels, but dealing with military types I was hoping it was an exercise in combat. Sadly I learned quickly that hopes of a mature and productive use of their time was quickly dashed as I was also impacted with a well pack clump of nearly solid ice. To say that I let my inner feelings get the better of me would be an understatement and I foolishly engaged in child like behavior. It wasn't that the game itself brought pleasure chemical reactions in my brain, but more that, reaping pain on the lesser people of this establishment brought upon the joy. My hit to dodge ratio was quite higher until the entrance of another player whom I have designated "Worthy Rival". Her arrival increased my wanting to be perfect in my attacks. Clearly I had to show that I was the better of us. She must learn that I am the better. But outside my own vendetta, I learned that "WR" must have a past with the one called Lukas. Clearly there is some malice and affection there. The fighting hit its climax with the opposing forces right wall collapsing, not before I was struck in the face with a projectile. The venture ended with everyone leaving as the higher ups broke up the childish game and I wanted not to get brought into reprimand for acting under my station. If anything came from this I must continue to research the social impact of snow, and I found three other very attractive specimens I wish to research later."

She looked up and pursed her lips before letting a devilish grin. "Tis then season, and I do enjoy getting my jollies." She laughed before setting the pin down and blowing on the pages so the ink would dry. She then placed the book down and rubbed the impact site of the snowball on her head. "Next time I am going to put metal balls in the ice... see how my aim will be." she promised.
So a little different take, I couldn't find the RP so I thought, why not see how Ezria sees other people and how she looks at these new social situations. Plus there is always fun guessing who she finds interesting and a Worthy Rival, keep any if there are any Ezria fans guessing whom is whom ;)

Lukas :icontaminki:
  1. Snow Battle!
    1. Colonel Hart sees the recent snowfall as the excellent opportunity to practice your reflexes! Major Ainsworth was kind enough to create two icy bunkers. Which side do you pick? 
    2. Draw or write about your character participating in (or fleeing from!) a massive snowballfight!
    3. Reward: A Christmas Hat (Functions in the same way the bright pink bandana does!)
© 2016 - 2024 cadefoster
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Taminki's avatar
I wanna punch her in the throat WHY IS SHE LIKE THIS
I guess thats her appeal tho AHAHAHAH, god, that longwinded speech :'>